Understanding CSS
Lesson 1 CSS for adding style to your HTML pages
- Using the LINK tag to link a CSS style sheet to an HTML page!
- What is CSS: Cascading Style Sheets!
- Why using the CSS style sheets!
- Linking a CSS style sheet in the HEAD or the STYLE tags!
- Linking CSS and HTML with TYPE, REL, and HREF attributes!
- The Self-closing tags for linking CSS and HTML!
- CSS syntax to define the style of HTML elements!
- One selector, many properties!
- Using CSS to change the style of an HTML page!
- Using semicolon and curly braces for your CSS document!
- Adding comments to a CSS style sheet!
- Coding an HTML page and a CSS style sheet!
- The hexadecimal values for HTML colors!
- The HTML color codes with hexadecimal values!
- Defining font size in pixels or EMS!
- 3 font types in CSS: Serif, Sans-serif, Cursive!
- Using fallback values for the fonts in CSS!
- Summary: Adding style to your HTML page with CSS!
- Background color, height and width in HTML!
- Creating a table border style with the BORDER property!
- Defining a style for links with CSS!
- Reminder: Linking a CSS style sheet to an HTML page!
- Reminder: The syntax to use in CSS!
- Reminder: Using fallback fonts in CSS!
- Reminder: Dimensioning an HTML element!
- Reminder: Using the BOX property in CSS!
Lesson 2 Creating a button with CSS in an HTML page
Lesson 1 The CSS selectors
- All the HTML elements are CSS selectors!
- The css multiple selectors!
- The CSS universal selector!
- Notion of CSS selectors specificity!
- Representation of the structure of an HTML page!
- Adding styles to CSS selectors!
- Coding a CSS style for an element that is the child of another element on an HTML page!
- Using CLASS(s) and ID(s) for specific styles in your HTML page!
- How the CSS CLASS selector works!
- How the CSS ID selector works!
- Combining CLASS and ID in a CSS style sheet!
- Using a CSS pseudo-class selector!
- Different styles for a clicked, hovered or visited link with Link, Visited or Hover attributes!
- First-child pseudo-class CSS selector!
- nth-child(x) pseudo-class CSS selector!
- Reminder: Multiple selectors in CSS!
- Reminder: the CSS "class" selector!
- Reminder: the CSS "id" selector !
- Reminder: CSS pseudo-classes 1!
- Reminder: CSS pseudo-classes 2!
Lesson 2 Sort the properties and the styles in your CSS
Positioning elements with CSS
Lesson 1 How to position an HTML element with CSS
- Difference between PADDING, MARGIN, and BORDER in CSS!
- Using the DISPLAY property to display an HTML element!
- The CSS Inline-block property!
- Displaying an HTML DIV with the Inline type without the Block!
- Using the None value for the DISPLAY property!
- Margins and borders in CSS!
- External margins in CSS with the MARGIN property!
- External margin: top, bottom, left, right in CSS!
- Borders in CSS!
- Internal margin or Padding in CSS!
- Using negative values for margins of HTML content!
- Reminder: margins, paddings, and borders in CSS!
- Float positioning (right) in CSS!
- Float positioning (left) in CSS!
- Float positioning (left and right) in CSS!
- Using the CLEAR property to liberate a DIV!
- Static positioning in CSS!
- Absolute positioning in CSS!
- Relative position in CSS!
- Fixed position in CSS!
- Reminder 1 of 5!
- Reminder 2 of 5!
- Reminder 3 of 5!
- Reminder 4 of 5!
- Reminder 5 of 5!
Lesson 2 Creating a CSS layout
- Creating a basic layout with HTML and CSS!
- The basic HTML and CSS structure to create a layout!
- Differentiating Layout from HTML Structure!
- Fixing the header in CSS!
- Inline-block!
- Inserting comments in the HTML code!
- Aligning blocks with the CSS Vertical-align property!
- Using FLOAT in CSS!
- Using the CSS CLEAR property!