Javascript introduction
Lesson 1 Manipulating variables in Javascript
- Hello World!
- Comment out your Javascript code!
- Declaring a variable!
- Assigning a text value to a variable!
- Assigning a 'numeric' value to a variable!
- Variable concatenation!
- Assigning a 'boolean' value to a variable!
- Assigning an 'undefined' value to a variable!
- Testing type of a variable!
- Externalizing your script!
- Addition Operator!
- Subtraction operator!
- Multiplication operator!
- Division operator!
- Modulus (Remainder) operator!
- Arithmetic operators !
- Incrementing and decrementing operators!
- Order of incrementing and decrementing operators!
- Interacting with user via the prompt method!
- Interacting with the user via the confirm method!
- Debugging your script!
- parseInt Function - Converting text to integer!
- ParseFloat function - Converting text to a floating-point number!
- Counting the length of a string!
- Concatenating multiple strings!
- Returning a character according to its position!
- Finding the position of a character or a word!
- Replace method- Replacing a word by another!
- Slice method - Extracting text!
- Substr method - Extracting text!
- Changing text to lowercase and uppercase!
- The special characters!
- Converting a number to string!
- Finding the Pi number!
- Rounding a number to the nearest integer!
- Generating a random number!
- Returning the number with the highest value!
- Returning the number with the lowest value!
- Roshambo part 1/3!
- Roshambo part 2/3!
- Roshambo part 3/3!
The control structures in javascript
Lesson 1 The conditions in Javascript
- Equal comparison operators!
- Inequality comparison operators!
- Greater than and less than comparison operators!
- Logical AND operator for all expressions!
- Logical OR operator for at least one expression!
- Logical NOT operator to negate the value!
- What is true or false?!
- The if statement!
- The else statement!
- The else if statement!
- The switch statement!
- The ternary statement!
- Tip to test a variable!
- Tip about OR operator!
- Exercise: recall of the conditions!
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Lesson 3 The conditions and the loops review
The arrays, the objects, the functions
Lesson 1 The arrays and the objetcs in Javascript
- Declaring an array!
- Array and object!
- Array and index!
- Modifying a value in an array!
- Getting the length of an array!
- Getting the length of a value of an array!
- Adding an item to the end of an array!
- Adding an item to the beginning of an array!
- Removing the last item of an array!
- Removing the first array item!
- Converting a string to an array!
- Converting an array to a string!
- Iterating through an array!
- Declaring an associative array!
- Accessing items in an associative array!
- Adding an item to an associative array!
- Iterating through an associative array!
- Exercise: getting the length of a property!
- Exercise: Displaying the properties of an associative array!
- Exercise: displaying the properties of an ordered array!
- Exercise: modifying the values of an associative array!
- Exercise: modifying the values of an ordered array!
- Exercise: converting associative array to ordered array!
- Exercise: converting associative array to ordered array!
- Exercise: converting ordered array to associative array!
- Exercise: getting the length of an ordered array!
- Exercise: getting the length of a value!
- Exercise: retrieving numbers in an array!
- Exercise: creating an ordered array with integers!
- Exercise: retrieving string(s)!
- Exercise: adding strings into a new array!
Lesson 2 The functions in JavaScript
- Declaring a function!
- Concept of global variable!
- Concept of local variable!
- Function and arguments!
- Function and return value!
- Practice exercise: Returning a character!
- Practice exercise: extracting a portion of text!
- Practice exercise: Converting to uppercase!
- Practice exercise: converting an array to a string!
- Practice exercise: Converting a string to an array!
- Practice exercise: Returning the last array item!
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Manipulate the DOM
Lesson 1 Finding an HTML element